2004-08-19 - 5:01 p.m.
Freud said dreams are an expression of repressed drives and wishes in symbolic form...

It's been 15 days since my last update...and also, before last night, 15 days since I last slept in my own bed. (My boy is visiting his family in Sac-Town for a couple days.) Hmm. Don't have much to say, see. But I am alive. And well. I'm hoping to get tattoos soon. I also should look into skydiving. I want to do that. I had a dream about falling this morning. I'm not sure if I've ever had a flying dream, but I frequently have falling dreams. I was jumping off a high-dive, and I was supposed to do some crazy twist type jump thing, but I freaked out and couldn't do it. So I just jumped regularly, and when I hit the water, I woke up.

Why am I writing this? It's so arbitrary. Eh, not like anyone reads this anyway. Maybe I should start writing really scandalous stuff...

before - after

host - new - old - profile - notes

"You, you give me something...something that nobody else can give..." - 2009-09-19
Why are eyelashes so attractive? - 2007-09-23
Why now? - 2007-09-17
Chyea - 2006-12-29
"We'll be painting, deep down hoping, that the best summer ever will never end... - 2006-08-17