2003-03-26 - 9:27 p.m.
I'm gold, baby!

I got a gold membership! Yay me. It's pretty nifty, though. I get to upload pictures, check my stats, and have 10,000 free banners. I still need to design one. Eh, later. Anywho, it's kinda interesting to see the referrers, though. Someone went to my diary from looking up "be on bad terms with." Huh...strange thing to look up on google, no? Makes you wonder what the hell they were looking for.

before - after

host - new - old - profile - notes

"You, you give me something...something that nobody else can give..." - 2009-09-19
Why are eyelashes so attractive? - 2007-09-23
Why now? - 2007-09-17
Chyea - 2006-12-29
"We'll be painting, deep down hoping, that the best summer ever will never end... - 2006-08-17