2004-06-07 - 11:40 p.m.
Timing is everything

�It�s hard to say what it is I see in you, wonder if I�ll�� I can�t, and I know I won�t. But I do wonder�especially now. You're just so rare. I adore what I have, and couldn�t throw that away. Not that you�re asking, but not that you would refuse. I wish I could be her, and maybe some day� Maybe some day I�ll finish that sentence. But not now. For now I�ll just wonder, and store that little ache in the back of my mind, and in that tiny corner of my heart. I chock it up to bad timing, and if it�s meant to happen, it will.

before - after

host - new - old - profile - notes

"You, you give me something...something that nobody else can give..." - 2009-09-19
Why are eyelashes so attractive? - 2007-09-23
Why now? - 2007-09-17
Chyea - 2006-12-29
"We'll be painting, deep down hoping, that the best summer ever will never end... - 2006-08-17